Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Comparison notes- Belfast Confetti and Bayonet Charge

    Ideas connecting them:  Both poems are about the actions, responses and description of each person during an extreme event. One event is war and one is a terrorist attack. Both events are dangerous causing destruction and causing death. Belfast confetti is in first person and bayonet charge is in the third person. Techniques:  The use of…

  • Poetry

    Poems-Meanings: Come on, come back- A women’s who has been effected by war and ends up killing herself Hawk roosting- Smply a hawk rejoicing in its power and being the apex predator. The uncomplicated joy of being the top of the food chain and having nothing to challenge you. Bayonet Charge- What it’s like to…

  • Courage is presented:

    Touching the Void- Courage? Throughout Joe’s journey he has a great deal of courage. Courage is needed in such environments to succeed. His courage is always maintained but presented in different ways especially after his injury. ‘If you succeed one dream, you come back to square one and its not long before you’re conjuring up…

  • What methods does Simpson use to create a sense of what is to come in the rest of the book

    The writer uses foreshadowing to give us a sense of what is going to happen in the book. In the chapter he refers to problems which become present as the book continues. The chapters name ‘storm at the summit’ suggests to us that something bad is going to happen through the word ‘storm’. When they…

  • Of Mice and Men

    The American dream consists of having your own bit of land, family, children, money and mainly independence and freedom. Within American society this dream is associated widely throughout many centuries and is still present today. This dream is not achievable for the characters in the story however Lennie and George still have hope. Lennie and…

  • Shakespeare

    In many pieces of writing an emotion is expressed. This can differ depending on the writer’s aspirations and objectives for their reader. Emotions can come from the writer’s personal interpretation, opinions and feelings or the emotions he wants to create through his characters and the situations they face. I wanted to compare how similar and…

  • Creative Writing

    Everybody loves chocolate except for me. Also everybody remembers the Cadbury’s Gorilla advert shown which I actually happen to remember. I detest Cadburys, but the advert was unforgettable. Amazing how I remember something that lasted 90 seconds, 7 years ago and not remember what I did 7 days ago. The advert immediately starts (as we…

  • of mice and men resit

    The American dream consists of having your own bit of land, children, money and mainly independence and freedom. Within American society this dream is associated widely throughout many centuries and is still present today. This dream is not achievable for the characters in the story however Lennie and George still have hope. Lennie and George…

  • Paragraph Practise

    ‘You’re nuts’ ‘I seen hunderds of men come by on the road an’ on the ranches, with their bindles on their back an’ that same damn thing in their heads’. – Rejects the dream and says how ridiculous it is. This quote shows the understanding that dreams don’t come true for men on the ranch.…

  • Of Mice and Men Controlled Assessment

    Have a go at assessing your last Controlled Assessment against the AQA criteria

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