Category: Homework

  • How the poem ‘to a mouse’ relates to the book of mice and men

    Stanza from the poem ‘to a mouse’ But Mousie, thou are no thy-lane, In proving foresight may be vain The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men, Gang aft agley, An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, For promis’d joy! (1st quote) The poem sums up how everyone in the story is suffering and…

  • Research on Shakespeare

    Why wasn’t Shakespeare’s plays popular at the time? Reference: 1) The Shakespeare Library, Shakespeare Theatre, author Wendy Greenhill and published by Heinemann library in 1995. 2) Snapping-turtle guides, Shakespeare, published in 2003. 3) Website- The local London audiences would go to view these plays ever Monday to Saturday afternoon. The plays performed were considered…

  • Out of the blue poetical device

    In this short paragraph i would like to talk about a particular device and its effect within the poem. The poem i will be talking about is out of the blue by simon armitage. In this poem the man talking is an english worker in the north tower of the world trade centre when it…

  • Essay plan for Spoken Language Assessment

    1st paragraph=Introduction Introduce the two ways in which we communicate with each other (spoken conversation and text messaging). Include how they are different for one and other. Include that we use many different devices (features) in these ways of communication and why this is. Say whether you agree with the argument or not. Explain what…

  • Spoken Language study (practise writing task)

    When we speak to one and other in a day to day conversation we use many different devices which come naturally and sometimes we don’t even realise we’re using them. These devices are used for many different reasons like giving us time to think, making it easier to transfer information quickly and making sure the…

  • How do spoken language and text messaging influence eachother?

    Spoken language has influenced text messaging in many different ways in which I’m going to choose the example emoticons and explain how it works. Emoticons are used in text messaging to show your facial expression and your feeling towards the person or certain subject because they can’t see you. If you were happy about a…