Notes made from mice and men

In this time period women were treated unfairly and thought of as sexual objects rather then equal people. The fact that Candy called Curley’s wife a tart implies this thought. Curley’s wife seems to live up to this stereotype made by the men. We realise this from the clothing which isn’t really suitable for a farm and the colour red she is wearing which normally symbolises love in a sexually way. She is also acting flirtatious in the boys presence

We haven’t been told Curley’s wife’s name because the author wants to display the superiority of the male over women.

Statement Mr Waugh made helping our understanding. Also, we don’t know her name because she is always presented as an object of the men’s speculation. Some of them view her as a ‘tart’, or ‘jailbait’ – but they all consider her to be Curley’s possession. This means that in their minds it makes sense that she doesn’t get to have a name of her own.







6 responses to “Notes made from mice and men”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    Also, we don’t know her name because she is always presented as an object of the men’s speculation. Some of them view her as a ‘tart’, or ‘jailbait’ – but they all consider her to be Curley’s possession. This means that in their minds it makes sense that she doesn’t get to have a name of her own.

    Interestingly, her actions also reflect on him, and he is diminished in their eyes if she acts inappropriately.

    If you get a chance to record any quotes to support your observations, these will help you later in this study.

    Nice work.

    Mr Waugh

    1. jackm Avatar

      Yeah I understand that, thank you, did you see I made my posts public aswell

      1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

        Yes! I did see that – I was thrilled. Your work is of great quality and reflects well on you and the school.

        You can always keep things private while you’re working on them, and then release them once you’re ready.

        Thanks, Jack.

        Mr Waugh

        1. jackm Avatar

          That’s what I was doing with one of my posts, oh yeah I was going to ask do you suggest any books I should read for our theme study because you said you would help me pick one which is my correct ability or shall we sort it out in lesson tomorrow?

          1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

            Oh, good question. I need to put some decent thought into that. I’ll get back to you.


  2. jackm Avatar

    Ok thanks
